Terms & Conditions
- In this document the terms “our”, “we” and “us” will represent Passion4IT, the terms “you” and “your” will represent the customer.
- We operate at an hourly rate in our normal business hours from Monday to Saturday 09:00 to 18:00. That excludes new or replacement parts.
- We provide a 24-Hour, 7 days a week service and are available outside of our normal business hours at our “Out of Hours” at our out of hours rate and the applicable hourly rate. The out of hours rate applies to the hours of 18:00 to 09:00 every week day including Saturdays, all day Sundays and on Bank Holidays.
- We offer a “No fix, no fee” policy. If we cannot provide the service requested, we will not charge you for the call out during our normal business hours, provided you have fully complied with these terms and conditions. If we can provide a solution but you choose not to proceed with the repair, a diagnostic charge will apply at our applicable fixed fee. Our “No fix, no fee” policy is not available during our out of normal business hours and our higher Fixed Fee applies.
- We offer a 30 day after service support. If you have a complaint or a re-occurring problem, please contact us as soon as possible on 01273 900799 or email us on
. We will arrange for an engineer to contact you to resolve the issue. If the problem is a direct result of the same cause we identified and fixed and the re-occurrence was not beyond our control, we will resolve the issue at no extra cost provided you have complied with the terms and conditions of service.
- Our services are provided with the obligation of confidentiality and non-disclosure as long as all applicable laws are upheld.
- Despite our best reasonable endeavours, we cannot guarantee that we will arrive on time. We will try to contact you at a reasonable time in advance to let you know of any expected delays. In some cases we may need to re-schedule an appointment.
- Passion4IT will have no liability for loss or recovery of data, programs or loss of use of system(s) arising out of the services or any act or omission, including negligence. Passion4IT is not permitted by law to copy pirated or copyrighted materials or to copy or handle illegal data. Prior to Passion4IT providing service or support, you represent that your system(s) does not contain illegal files or data. You also represent that you own the copyright or have a license to make copies to all files on your system and do not have any data that would cause Passion4IT to be liable for copyright infringement if such data was copied by Passion4IT. Any information provided to Passion4IT will be held in accordance with the national data protection laws where applicable.
- An adult of at least 18 years of age must be present for on-site services. If no adult is present, service will be denied and a cancellation fee may be charged.
- If required, we will need valid software licences for your operating system, applications and media. If required we will also need passwords for operating systems and Internet Service Providers at the time of service.
- By purchasing our services and/or hardware, you are indicating your agreement to be bound by all of our terms and conditions without modification and understand that we may change the terms and conditions of service at any time and that you continue to be bound by such revisions after they become effective.
- We are not liable in the event that we are not able to provide service or service is prevented, delayed or made impractical because of fire, flood, natural disaster, acts of government, failure of suppliers or sub-contractors, labour disputes, power outages, communications services outages, equipment failure or other reasons which are outside our reasonable control.
- We are not liable to you for any direct or indirect losses, damages or injuries. We are also not liable for loss of good will, loss and/or corruption of data or for any loss you suffer due to your use or failure to use any anti-virus software. We are also not liable for any acts or omissions of any providers of telecommunications services and will not be responsible to you for any inherent failures in or caused by the supported operating systems and applications or third party products supplied by us.
- You agree to follow our reasonable instructions and security instructions, provide access to your property, provide full access to the computer(s) and / or peripheral(s) to be serviced, provide a safe working environment, provide electrical power and adequate working space. Failure to do any of these may result in denial of service. We will not be responsible to you if we are impaired or stopped from providing the service by you for any reason whatsoever or are otherwise unable to provide a service to you as a result of any event that is outside our reasonable control.
- Nothing in these terms of service shall impose any liability on us in respect of non-performance of a service where the performance claimed is outside these terms and conditions of service or where such non-performance is directly due to your acts, omissions, negligence or fault.
- These terms and conditions are governed by English law and do not affect your statutory rights under English law.
(Latest revision 20/06/2019)